Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Real Estate Central Time Duration
How long does my application take to process?
Providing your references are aware of your application and communicate the details, we strive to have the application fully processed within 24 hours.

Real Estate Central House Keys
Can I pick up the keys a day before my lease starts?
No. You can only collect key the day your lease starts or after.

Real Estate Central Rent Advance
Where is my two weeks rent that I paid in advance when I moved in?
When you first move in you pay bond and two weeks rent. Those two weeks pays you for that fortnightly period. Two weeks later rent is due again that next rental payment pays rent for the next fortnight and so on. If the rent continues to be paid regularly and each fortnight, the final rental payment is due and payable two weeks prior to the lease end date.
Real Estate Central Friendly Pets
Can I have a pet without asking permission?
No. All pet applications must be requested in writing to your property manager and approval received before purchasing a pet.
Real Estate Central Lease Expiring
What happens when my lease is expiring?
If your lease is due to be expiring you will need to discuss with your property manager if you wish to remain in the property. It is important for you to discuss whether or not you want to continue living in the property with your property manager well before the expiry date of your lease, which allows everyone to make the necessary plans and arrangements. Should you wish to vacate the premises you need to provide a minimum of two weeks written formal notice.
Real Estate Central Sell Listing
What happens if the owners of the property I am renting decide to sell?
If you are in a fixed term lease then nothing will change, you r lease is secured. If you are living in the property periodically then you may be given the appropriate notice to vacate the property if the purchaser is wishing to live in the property.
Real Estate Central Arranging Repairs
How do I arrange any repairs that might be needed?
You need to advise your property manager of all requests for maintenance in writing via our maintenance form or an email. It is essential that you do not attempt to repair things yourself - you have a responsibility to advise your property manager of any maintenance matters that require attention.
Real Estate Central Emergency Repairs
What should I do if urgent or emergency repairs are needed at the property?
Emergency repairs are required when the occupants' health and safety - or the property itself - is threatened. You should urgently try to contact your property manager. If you are unable to make contract you will need to call the emergency trades list provided to you.
Real Estate Central Mounting Images
Am I allowed to put up picture hooks in the walls without asking?
No. Any alterations to the property must be requested to your property manager in writing and can only be actioned once approval has been received.
Real Estate Central Different Ways to pay Rent
What are the different ways to pay my rent?
We accept EFT online transfer or cash in the office
Real Estate Central Unable to Pay Rent
What should I do if I am temporarily unable to pay my rent?
You will need to contact your property manager as soon as possible to explain the reason why and when the expected payment will be made. Communication is essential in this situation and it is important for you to continue to keep us informed of your circumstances.

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